

ContentExchange - Telekom


The aim of the advertising was to address and present the Neki-Neki offer especially to those who are not Telekom Slovenije’s subscribers, young people aged 15 to 31.

Creation of the Target Group

The BEX database gives an insight into the interests of individual profiles, so we first made an analysis of which interests are most represented among young people under 30 compared to the general population. Below we looked at interest representation in the next age bracket and together with our client we decided to expand our target group.

We then formed the following target audience for profiled advertising: young people 10-39 with interests of Entertainment, Healthy cooking and eating, Healthy eating, Sports, Beauty, Video gaming.

At the same time, we divided the audience into iPhone users and Samsung / Huawei users.

ContentExchange - Telekom

Advanced Ad Formats

BEX profiled advertising enables the use of advanced ad formats. We have selected the following ad formats for the campaign:


Target group Iphone users responded better to advertising than Samsung / Huawei users.

However, all ad formats achieved above average results.